Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Korean Beauty Haul and Mini Reviews(Part 1 skincare): 韩国归来美妆晒货(护肤篇)

Hi all~
So I went to Seoul in August with my aunt. We stayed there for 4 days and during that time. Funny thing is we don't speak Korean at all and it is kinda hard to find someone who speaks English in Seoul...Good thing is we survived and had loads of fun there! I will write a blog about where to eat and where to shop in Seoul if you guys wanna know. Okay, so I went a little crazy and purchased quite a lot of makeup and skincare products. After trying them out for more than one month now, I am happy to provide you the haul as well as my quick review on every product. =]
我八月和我阿姨俩人去首尔自由行了4天,最神的是我们俩都不会韩文,能生存下来真是个奇迹哈哈,如果大家想看一个不哈韩不看running man纯想旅游吃美食和逛美妆品还不会说韩文的人的首尔自由行攻略的话我也可以整理一份分享给大家哦。所以呢,我在首尔的时候买了很多化妆品和护肤品,因为最近韩国的东西很火,而且价钱真的是非常的公道,所以我当然也想试试啦。这些东西买回来用了也有一个多月了,所以我觉得可以很自信的把产品展示和介绍给大家。

As you can see, I got quite a lot of masks, actually quite a lot of the masks are given for free as samples. My favorite one is the innisfree sheet masks on that lower left corner. Innisfree is a brand that claims to use natural stuff when they are making the products, so it is supposed to be very good for your skin. Their sheet masks are moisturizing and the serum feels very light and almost watery, which makes it easy to pat in when I take the mask of. I always hate the sticky feeling after I pat in almost all of the serum into my skin, but their masks do not leave sticky feelings at all. Koreans are so generous on giving free samples. My aunt and I bought about 30 sheet masks from them in total and they gave us like 10 more for free!! Now they have different flavors, or rather say they contain different serums. My favorite is the rice one and adley one, they are both very hydrating and brightening.

In upper left corner I have some masks which are also given for free from tolymoly that I haven't try out yet. 

The yellow pack at the bottom with a drawing of nose on is a blackhead removing mask from Etude House, which I dont really care for...It is not like those biore nose stipes which are like picking blackheads out. This mask has 2 steps, one is to use a mask to melt the blackheads, and then you have to remove the step 1 mask, and use a Q tip to push the blackheads out. And step 2 is another mask that help tightens the pore. Great concept! BUT the results are just very disappointing...I guess I will never be able to fully remove my blackhead...
最下面黄色包装的是etude house的鼻贴,不过不像碧柔那种撕起来很痛的鼻贴,这个很温和。分两步,第一步敷一个软化角质的膜,然后把膜揭掉用棉签把黑头挤出来,第二部敷收细毛孔的膜。听起来很棒对吧?其实并没有效果。。。

The package on the right was Collegen Eye Gel Patch from Etude House. These eye masks does not make my fine lines under the eye area disapper, but it deos feel very moisturizing.
右边是Etude House的眼膜,很好用很保湿,不过对眼纹没啥作用。

And that egg shape thing on top is Eggpore Blackhead Out Oil Gel from Tony Moly. It is a gel with little beads and you massage it onto your nose for a few minutes and then rinse it off. Sadly, it does not work for me as well.
最顶上像鸡蛋的是tony moly的去黑头啫喱。啫喱里面有一粒一粒磨砂粒,用的时候就是拿啫喱在鼻子上按摩一下然后用水冲掉。。很不幸的是对我也是几乎没用。。

If you are interested in any of the products I mentioned above. I highly recommende you check out and They have a ton of Japanese and Korean beauty products.

So that is my Korean skincare haul. I will post a Korean makeup haul on Sunday and please stay tuned for that because I have some very hot products to talk about.
这就是我败的所有护肤品啦。周日我会发一篇韩国收获的彩妆的~会有很多当下十分热门的彩妆品哦 敬请期待吧~

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